Quenching Summer’s Thirst

//Quenching Summer’s Thirst

Quenching Summer’s Thirst

What do we all have in common in the summer? The return of thirsty, moisture-starved skin, courtesy of crash diets, air conditioning, travel and too many mojitos!

If you’ve heard that summer skin isn’t as dry as it is in the winter, you’re correct. So why does your skin feel so tight? The answer is that your skin may actually be dehydrated.

First things first … dry skin generally refers to skin that is lacking in oil. Dehydrated skin is characterised by a lack of moisture (water). While your first instinct screams for heavier cream, you could be left with breakouts during warmer months when perspiration levels are higher. Instead, layer a feather-light, fast-absorbing hydrating fluid beneath your current moisturiser or sunscreen. Skin Hydrating Booster is my top pick.

My next tip is to spritz all day, with Multi Active Toner – in the morning before moisturising, as an afternoon refresher at your desk, in the car on your way to the gym … it’s hydrating, absorbs quickly, and won’t leave behind a greasy residue. Three times a week, calm, soothe and help reduce dehydration with a Skin Hydrating Masque. On hot days, intensify cooling benefits by chilling it in the fridge for five minutes before application. Give skin a boost by treating it right, from the inside out. Drink at least eight, eight-ounces of plain, filtered water every day.

And don’t forget about wonderful, water-rich fruits and vegetables, including watermelon, apples, grapes, broccoli and blueberries, to boost hydration.
